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Will Private Investigators Protect My Privacy and Confidentiality?

Will Private Investigators Protect My Privacy and Confidentiality?

Will Private Investigators Protect My Privacy and Confidentiality?

Upon the advent of digitalization, India has seen a rise in crimes and financial frauds. Information is not secure anymore, people are extensively using the online platforms, and other gadgets and software are to bug corporate offices to steal your business funds or assets.  There are several unfortunate situations wherein individuals will approach a Private Investigator in India. You would need substantial evidence to be furnished in court or to confront the fraud or cheated to prove your allegations in all given cases. The court only relies on clear evidence. No emotional talk or crying in the court can help you assist your case.  

If you are in a venerable situation, you are already under much stress. The last thing you want is someone further leaking the details of your identity while you choose to hire a Private Detective Agency in India.

Listed below are few cases for which someone may need a Private Investigator to probe an individual or a corporate house.

1. Infidelity In Marriage or A Relationship- a private investigator gathers concrete and convincible evidence by maintaining surveillance on the cheater in question. A post matrimonial check is followed in cases wherein a spouse is cheating on their spouse. Several individuals approach private investigators in Delhi NCR as they suspect their boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on them. The whereabouts of the cheaters are tracked, and the proof is collected using high-tech surveillance gadgets and software. All information is kept secure, as Confidentiality is an unsaid clause to maintain between private investigators and their clients.  

2. Pre- Matrimonial Check- Before you choose a life partner, it’s critical to get an insight into the prospective wife or husbands family background, social, and reputation. An ideal background check reveals criminal records, education, and financial status, past love affairs, or hidden marriages. A private investigator gathers photo and video evidence from the vicinity and social circle of the subject that gives a glimpse into the person's upbringing and general lifestyle. All information remains confidential as that's is vital to maintain the trust of all clients that approach a private detective company. 

3. Divorce Case Investigation- Any women in a distressed marriage can fight for maintenance under section 125 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure (Crpc) in a divorce case. She may also a plea for a divorce under section 498A Indian Penal Court if her husband or any relative of her husband are subjecting her to cruelty. Private investigators. A private investigator collects evidence by speaking to the neighbours. In past cases, we have shared a microphone or a camera with the women in distress to record the atrocities she faces in the hand or her husband and relatives.  Private detectives additionally gather proof on the husband's hidden financial assets and property. This proof is gathered very discreetly and later furnished in court to support the divorce case proceedings. Confidentiality is vital in such cases. No private investigator will share your identity or details with an outsider. Maintaining information privacy is a prerequisite to being a Private investigator. Information is more valuable than gold or diamonds for private detectives.

4. Corporate Theft or Pilferage- the highest amount of risk comes from internal employees.  Employee theft is the number one cause for business shrinkage across the world. The corporate houses need to hire private investigators that can discreetly perform their duties and put an end to these fraudulent practices. They also check if someone may have bugged your office to tap your phone call.  In such cases maintaining confidentially of the identity of the client and their information is of utmost importance for a private detective. Usually, lawyers liaison between the private investigators and the corporate houses to oversee the information that is shared along with assuring that no data gets leaked at any given point in time from the private investigation agency.

Numerous private detective agency in Delhi is operating in Delhi NCR that offer Discreet Personal and Corporate Investigation Services in India. They perform a Loyalty Test for you in case you suspect your cheating husband or wife. Private Investigators at DDS Detective Agency have successfully conducted numerous Pre- Matrimonial and Post-Matrimonial Check along with Corporate Investigator in Delhi across Delhi, NCR, Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai amongst other states for their clients. They have an astute and skilled team of Private Investigator in Gurgaon that works round the clock and collect critical evidence for their clients in Infidelity and Divorce cases.

Private investigators do not invade people’s privacy and at the same time maintain 100 per cent confidentiality of your information and identity. Surveillance is performed in public places where there is never a question on the invasion of privacy. Evidence is gathered using the latest high-tech surveillance gadgets and software’s, by accessing information which the person retaining the investigator has a right of access.

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