Mystery Shopping
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Mystery Shopping Investigation Agency In Delhi

Mystery Shopping Investigations - Get To Know It

Mystery shopping is an investigative tool of market research through which companies try to understand and measure their quality of services, products,  user experience, the behavior of staff, and necessary compliances.
Sometimes companies use mystery shopping to know and learn more about the products of business rivals. The technique of mystery shopping has been used for a long time, to improve the quality of services and ensure a competitive edge in the services sector. 
Mystery shopping services can be used by the airline industry, car dealerships, health care professionals, retail sector, hospitality sector, showrooms, real estate sector, developers, customer-based industries, etc. 

How To Get Started With Mystery Shopping Investigation?

Amongst multi inquiries of a mystery shopping client, some are:

  • How are the customers greeted?
  • What is the average waiting period?
  • What is the overall user experience?
  • How was the temperature and hygiene of the facility?
  • Whether there is any deviation from the standard procedure?

The person who does mystery shopping is called a mystery shopper and he is well trained in this exercise. A mystery shopper pretends to be an actual customer, he plays an actual customer and gauges the experience from a customer perspective. A mystery Shopper is also called as secret shopper

Since the client himself cannot go to the stores of business rivals, mystery shoppers are hired to learn the sales techniques of rivals. DDS Management Solutions Pvt Ltd has a team of trained mystery shoppers, who meet the best of standards in the industry.


DDS detective agency is a leading mystery shopping company in Delhi and we work pan India, with a strong presence in Delhi, Kolkata, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Pune, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Faridabad and Jaipur . We have been undertaking mystery shopping investigations in India since eons and have a huge list of prestigious companies, as our clients. Our mystery shopping company knows the industrial protocols and expectations of clients, and we always upheld the high standards.

What does the Mystery Shopper Measure and What Outcome Can One Expect in Mystery Shopping?

The mystery shopper is first given perspective about, what the client company needs to find. Thereafter training is given, on how to judge various parameters.  Sometimes, mystery shopper is given a questionnaire, and they are asked to fill the parameters as required by the clients. So, the first step of conducting mystery shopping investigations is a thorough session with the client, to learn about their expectations and requirements. 


Methods for Conducting Mystery Shopping:


There are several ways through which mystery shopping can be conducted and it totally depends on the situation. Sometimes telephonic calls are given to begin the task. Other times internet forms can be filled, and get a suitable response in the beginning. After initial contact, in most cases mystery shoppers personally visits the client’s facility to be investigated. Mystery shopper also carry some kind of electronic gadgets to video and audio record the meeting. The agreed upon and pre decided parameters are taken into account and mystery shopping is done to judge those parameters. 


Benefits of availing mystery shopping services


Mystery shopping gives immense benefit to the company in the perspective of improving service conditions and judging customer experience from a neutral perspective. A mystery shopper is fairly neutral as he is not known to the company and its employees. He does not have any sentimental attachment to any of them. The mystery shopper judges the parameter in a very professional manner. Another added advantage of hiring a mystery shopping company, is that the feedback and the mystery shopping report, gives a fair degree of understanding of user experience. The mystery shopper professionally visits and sees many brand in the same segment, hence his mystery shopping report gives a very good overview or report card of user experience. The mystery shopper can make a comparative analysis also. 


DDS has no parallel in matter of service and user experience in the field of private investigations services. We have a bunch of specialists, who are thorough professional and know how to get the work done. Mystery shopping investigations is a very specialized service, for which you can’t trust any brand, other than DDS. It has taken years of hard work to earn the trust of numerous industries and businesses. Get mystery shopping done for you brand and contact us for a wonderful experience.


Case Study


A very reputed builder was facing trouble in selling the units in Delhi NCR (name of client withheld to protect identity). He contacted DDS for mystery shopping investigations. Our team met the representatives of builder and drew a roadmap. The clients were asked for their inputs. The proposal was sent to the client with the objective of investigations and costing. After approval a team of two mystery shoppers were found, who impersonated as husband and wife to buy a property in a mall. The mystery shopper expressed their interest in buying a property on toll free number and the call was transferred to a sales executive. The process till here was smooth and numbers were exchanged. However, to our utter surprise the sale executive didn’t reverted back or called back as required by company policies. After waiting for a few days, the mystery shoppers gave a visit to the mall and the sales office was in mall. There were property dealers outside the mall who were willing to sell the property in resale, cheaper than the company. These realtors were roaming around freely. When our secret shoppers, went inside the sales office, they were least bothered to make any sale and were very casual in their approach. Despite showing immense interest, they were not bothered to make sales. When they were asked to show units, office boy was sent, which was against company policies and directions. Thereafter, the sales team didn’t gave a customary call off. All these developments were video recorded. This lackadaisical and casual approach was responsible for low sales. After the mystery shopping report, several changes were done and the company started getting good sales. The mystery shopping investigations was utilized for brand protection and better sales in this case.

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