Labor case investigations
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Labor Cases Investigation Agency In Delhi

Professionals At Solving labor Court Cases

There are a lot of problems related to labor cases in any industrial company. Most of the cases relating to labor unrest are from the manufacturing and infrastructure sector. A “workman” as per the Industrial disputes Act can claim compensation from the labor court for him being unfairly sacked.

There are various designated tribunals cum labour courts, where such workman can file a case. However, sometimes the labour is also on the wrong side of law. Not all labour issues can be stereotyped. Sometimes, the offending company sacks the labor due to arbitrary reasons, but at other times the labor is incomplete indiscipline or a habitual offender and absentee. In most cases, issues related to labor cases end up in court. 


DDS is a team of highly efficient private investigators. The company is christened as DDS Management Solutions Pvt Ltd. We offer labour court case investigations services across India, with major presence in:-

  • Delhi
  • Kolkata
  • Gurgaon
  • Noida
  • Mumbai
  • Ahmedabad
  • Surat
  • Pune
  • Ghaziabad
  • Lucknow
  • Chandigarh
  • Bangalore
  • Hyderabad
  • Faridabad
  • Jaipur

Labor Case Investigation Agency India

We extend our help to both laborers and industrialists. If a laborer claims unemployment and is gainfully employed somewhere, we not only find employment status but also give evidence of the same. Likewise, if the factory sacks a labor due to fictitious and dubious reasons, we find out the same. So, DDS helps in establishing primacy of truth.


Not only employment, but there are several other issue related to labors. They can be labor unrest and union militarism. The labor union at times indulge in anti-management activities and it need to be found out. So, DDS also undertakes labor union investigations and anti-management activities investigations.


Labor laws are laws to regulate the relationship between workers, employers, union and government. The industries also misuse poverty and indulge in illegal closures, illegal termination, hazardous work condition and child labor. Sometimes the contractors do not even pay minimum wages as mandated by the government. Our private detective agency for labor issues investigations, also help in court cases.

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