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The definition, types, and workflow of mystery shopping. Choosing the right secret shoppers

The definition, types, and workflow of mystery shopping. Choosing the right secret shoppers

The meaning of mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a survey method, through which an investigator masquerade a natural customer and carries out market research to gauge customer experience. In mystery shopping investigations there are several parameters which are checked. It is basically a market research, which gives the company a real time feedback. The investigator pre design their questionnaire in accordance with company norms. They conduct an unbiased, real time mystery shopping investigations. Through the tool of mystery shopping investigations companies are able assess the quality of services provided, customer service or employee performance. 

Mystery shopper

Mystery shopper is a professional individual, who conducts mystery shopping for some company. A mystery shopper is also called as secret shopper and mystery customer. Mystery shoppers are well trained individuals and act according to situation. They are well adept at the profession and act according to situation. These agents are well trained and know the deliverables. The mystery shoppers can act in team or as an individual also. Mystery shoppers are well experienced to elicit the desired information. They draw a roadmap and work according to plan. Mystery shopper sometimes work as freelancer also but most of the time they are employees of mystery shopping company in India. 

Who hires a mystery shopping company?

Most of the clients of mystery shopping companies are from retail store, restaurant, banks, airlines, construction industry, sales outlets etc. but mystery shopping companies keep getting clients from diversified corporate sector. Almost all the industries need genuine and neutral feedback of their services and for that purpose they need an expert, and mystery shopping companies provide their services, to such clients. 

Why carry out mystery shopping investigations?

Mystery shopping helps in giving a real time information, about the customer service to their clients. Secret shoppers also gives a very neutral and unbiased prospective of the things. Secret shoppers also video record their investigations, this help in giving a very good insight about the company. The recordings along with the findings are later on passed on to the client company. Secret shoppers help the client company to have a better understanding about their employee performances, environment, sales pitch, cleanliness, behavior with customers, punctuality and mannerism. The client get to know whether industrial protocols are being followed by employees.

How to find a best mystery shopping company in India?

You will have to research a bit. Almost all the mystery shopping companies are good and have a good clientele. The first thing is to see from how long the company is working, from how long it is established, customer reviews etc. After that have a physical visit to the office of mystery shopping company, try to judge them from the way they talk and don’t be hesitant in asking their past clients and referrals.

Benefits of hiring mystery shopping services

There are many benefits of hiring a mystery shopping company, a company can only expand in future if it thrives to improve its services and remove the loopholes. To get a real picture of its services and improve the drawbacks, services of mystery shopping company are hired.

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